This time is shown how to install and deploy and Ansible installation, also how to configure myhost to set a group of hosts to issue Ansible commands.
It is easy and simple.
Ansible is useful if you want sto perform multiple aoperation on remote hosts; for example to install a big data database or to configure a multinode hadoop cluster. You can also send requests to find particular information and work with the result data; perhaps you need maintenance to cleanup your temporal file or create a cron job for all hosts, or some, etc.
Here you will see how to issue simple ansible commands and basic ansible-playbooks with an ease java-6-oracle example.
To install it on Ubuntu:
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rquillo/ansible
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install ansible -y
It is IMPORTANT to add to authorized_keys the uder (id_rsa,pub) that will issue Ansible Commands, in this case it is the same host. IF YOU DON'T have an id_rsa, then create it.
To create id_rsa: (Make sure you don't have one already)
Now you can add localhost to myhosts to do a quick test:
# echo localhost > myhosts
# export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=$(pwd)/myhosts
# ansible all -m ping -u ubuntu
localhost | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
There you go, Ansible works, what have we done so far? Just test it, you can ccreat at myhosts a set of remote instances by adding to my hosts a tag like:
# vi myhosts
What can we do? all that the specified user can do, for example:
# ansible gazzang -a "ls /home/ubuntu" -u ubuntu | success | rc=0 >>
Remember that for and the id_rsa_pub should've been added to their corresponding autrorized keys; if not the Ansible command will fail with:
# ansible gazzang -a "ls /home" -u ubuntu | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ISSUE SUDO COMMANDS, then remember to add to /root/.ssh/authorized keys the Or add to the non-root user root permissions, just be careful.
Wanna go further? of course yo do!
Follow are two YAML files, these are ansible-playbooks, you can see that we are installing java-6-oracle from PPA and we acre including one YAML into another.
# This playbook just includes a second playbook
- hosts: ec2
reponame: stable
distro_release: precise
user: ubuntu
sudo: yes
- include: install_java6oracle_on_ubuntu.yml
#First operations
- name: Describe first task
shell: echo "This is the issued command"
- name: Describing second task
shell: sudo gpg --keyserver --recv-key D2B6F0B7FADF302F
You can do many operations on the different ansible-platbook tasks, this is just a small set of them.
- name: Changing the cluster name at /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml and the listen_address
shell: sudo cat $cassandra_orig | sed "s/Test Cluster/Cassandra Production Cluster/" | sed "s/listen_address:\ localhost/listen_address:\ \"$( ifconfig | grep Bcast | awk '{print
substr($2,6)}')\"/" | sed "s/seeds:\ \"\"/seeds:\ \"$seed_ip\"/" | sed "s/rpc_address:\ localhost/rpc_address:\" > $cassandra_tmp
You can save stdout at a ansible variable from prompt commands by using the operation register:
- name: Get Cassandra PID
shell: ps aux | grep cassandra | grep oracle | grep root | grep -v ansible | awk '{ print($2) }'
register: cassandra_pid
- name: Creating cassandra profile
shell: sudo zncrypt-profile --pid=${cassandra_pid.stdout} > $cassandra_profile_file
Have Fun!
P.D. Flag has no reverse meaning (useless)
It is easy and simple.
Ansible is useful if you want sto perform multiple aoperation on remote hosts; for example to install a big data database or to configure a multinode hadoop cluster. You can also send requests to find particular information and work with the result data; perhaps you need maintenance to cleanup your temporal file or create a cron job for all hosts, or some, etc.
Here you will see how to issue simple ansible commands and basic ansible-playbooks with an ease java-6-oracle example.
To install it on Ubuntu:
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rquillo/ansible
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install ansible -y
It is IMPORTANT to add to authorized_keys the uder (id_rsa,pub) that will issue Ansible Commands, in this case it is the same host. IF YOU DON'T have an id_rsa, then create it.
To create id_rsa: (Make sure you don't have one already)
# ssh-keygen
Then cat it to copy it pubkey content and add it to authorized keys, remember in this examplo it is in the same authorized keys of the same host.
# cat .ssh/
# vi .ssh/authorized_keys
Now you can add localhost to myhosts to do a quick test:
# echo localhost > myhosts
# export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=$(pwd)/myhosts
# ansible all -m ping -u ubuntu
localhost | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
There you go, Ansible works, what have we done so far? Just test it, you can ccreat at myhosts a set of remote instances by adding to my hosts a tag like:
# vi myhosts
In this case you can issue Ansible commands for a particular set of my_remote_servers like:
# ansible my_remote_servers -m ping -u ubuntu
You can see now that only the servers listed in my_remote_servers will respond to ping.
What can we do? all that the specified user can do, for example:
# ansible gazzang -a "ls /home/ubuntu" -u ubuntu | success | rc=0 >>
file.txt | success | rc=0 >>
Remember that for and the id_rsa_pub should've been added to their corresponding autrorized keys; if not the Ansible command will fail with:
# ansible gazzang -a "ls /home" -u ubuntu | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ISSUE SUDO COMMANDS, then remember to add to /root/.ssh/authorized keys the Or add to the non-root user root permissions, just be careful.
Wanna go further? of course yo do!
Follow are two YAML files, these are ansible-playbooks, you can see that we are installing java-6-oracle from PPA and we acre including one YAML into another.
# This playbook just includes a second playbook
- hosts: ec2
reponame: stable
distro_release: precise
user: ubuntu
sudo: yes
- include: install_java6oracle_on_ubuntu.yml
#First operations
- name: Describe first task
shell: echo "This is the issued command"
- name: Describing second task
shell: sudo gpg --keyserver --recv-key D2B6F0B7FADF302F
You can do many operations on the different ansible-platbook tasks, this is just a small set of them.
- name: Changing the cluster name at /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml and the listen_address
shell: sudo cat $cassandra_orig | sed "s/Test Cluster/Cassandra Production Cluster/" | sed "s/listen_address:\ localhost/listen_address:\ \"$( ifconfig | grep Bcast | awk '{print
substr($2,6)}')\"/" | sed "s/seeds:\ \"\"/seeds:\ \"$seed_ip\"/" | sed "s/rpc_address:\ localhost/rpc_address:\" > $cassandra_tmp
You can save stdout at a ansible variable from prompt commands by using the operation register:
- name: Get Cassandra PID
shell: ps aux | grep cassandra | grep oracle | grep root | grep -v ansible | awk '{ print($2) }'
register: cassandra_pid
- name: Creating cassandra profile
shell: sudo zncrypt-profile --pid=${cassandra_pid.stdout} > $cassandra_profile_file
Have Fun!
P.D. Flag has no reverse meaning (useless)