martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Building a kernel module on SLES 11 SP3

Building a kernel module on SLES 11 SP3

In this example I am using zncryptfs kernel module from Cloudera/Gazzang repo.

[root@hive-1 ~]# zypper install zncrypt-kernel-module

This will ask you to install a kernel module that doesn’t have the ‘dkms’ dependency, we will install the kernel module breaking that dependency:

Problem: nothing provides dkms needed by zncrypt-kernel-module-3.4.2_SLES11-1024.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install zncrypt-kernel-module-3.4.2_SLES11-1024.x86_64
Solution 2: break zncrypt-kernel-module-3.4.2_SLES11-1024.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 2

Select option 2.

3.1.2 Update to the latest kernel module

Update the kernel:
hive-ne-SLES-1:~ # zypper install -y kernel-default
Several operations

Then reboot; the kernel version should be updated after reboot.

hive-ne-SLES-1:~ # uname -r

kernel module needs to be build manually 
First requirement to build the kernel module is to have the kernel headers installed, to install them check the kernel version and install its kernel headers accordingly:

hive-ne-SLES-1:~ #zypper install -y kernel-default-devel
Several operations

Once the kernel headers are installed you will see the include files at /usr/src/linux-3.0.101-0.40/include; then go to the zncrypt kernel module source code directory to build it.

hive-ne-SLES-1:~ # cd /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/

You may have the following error message:
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # make
Searching known bugs on kernel...
make -C /lib/modules/3.0.101-0.40-default/build M=/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 modules
make: *** /lib/modules/3.0.101-0.40-default/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 #

To fix previous error create a symlink from /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build to the x86_64 obj headers directory, then execute again make

hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # ln -s /usr/src/linux-3.0.101-0.40-obj/x86_64/default/ /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # make
Searching known bugs on kernel...
make -C /lib/modules/3.0.101-0.40-default/build M=/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-3.0.101-0.40-obj/x86_64/default'
make -C ../../../linux-3.0.101-0.40 O=/usr/src/linux-3.0.101-0.40-obj/x86_64/default/. modules
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/main.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/hooks.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/messaging.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/auth.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/acl.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/profile.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/stats.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/procfs.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/timeconv.o
 CC [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/debug.o
 LD [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/zncryptfs.o
 Building modules, stage 2.
 MODPOST 1 modules
 CC      /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/zncryptfs.mod.o
 LD [M]  /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/zncryptfs.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-3.0.101-0.40-obj/x86_64/default'
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 #

At this point the kernel module is build you can see it at /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/zncryptfs.ko

3.1.3 Load the module

hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # depmod -a
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # modprobe zncryptfs
FATAL: Module zncryptfs not found.
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 #

That error means that the kernel module is not part of the modules of the current kernel $(uname -r).

To fix that a symlink needs to be created to point to this kernel module or it can be copied.

hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # ln -s /usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2/zncryptfs.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # depmod -a
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # modprobe zncryptfs
FATAL: module '/lib/modules/3.0.101-0.8-default/zncryptfs.ko' is unsupported
Use --allow-unsupported or set allow_unsupported_modules to 1 in
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 #

This is the last error we might see, it refers that the policy to allow unsupported modules, just change the variable of the config file as indicated (set allow_unsupported_modules to 1) :

hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # vi /etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules

Then run:

hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # depmod -a
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # modprobe zncryptfs
hive-ne-SLES-1:/usr/src/zncryptfs-3.4.2 # lsmod | grep zncrypt
zncryptfs              82143  0

The module is loaded and ready to be used

P.S. There is a Queen that has her own flag

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